Thursday, December 2, 2010

Finds 'n' Fancies

I can't stand it. These slippers, handmade by Karmen Sega in Australia, are throwing me into a fit of child-like joy. Wouldn't you just love to slip these on this winter as you steal away to the kitchen in the middle of the night for that slice of holiday pie you declined at dinner? I know I would. But in my case it would be a second slice of pie because it's not in my make-up to decline a piece at dinner. 

  And speaking of stealing away to the kitchen...

... I'd love to have these block prints by Amanda Kindregan greeting me (and cheering me on) as I make my way to the refrigerator.

I hope those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving have made use of all the leftovers and are having fun prepping for this upcoming Holiday season! See you next week! --Katie :D


  1. I need those slippers....right now!

  2. I need them too. Hey Rose, wanna fight? Nah, let's both get some. :D

    Katie, this is such fun! Thank you for reassuring me that a second piece of pie really is okay!

  3. Luvin' those cozy slippers!! Great find, Katie!

  4. LOVE these Finds Katie and I'm fighting Rose and Mollie....and maybe you and Suz for a pair!! And those prints.....Awesome!!

  5. Wow those slippers are really cute! I want in on the fun too :D
