Thursday, February 10, 2011

Finds 'n' Fancies


Flight solar print by 88editions

The Beauty of Life pin by hilarypfeifer

 Castile Blue Ceramic Nesting Bowl trio by DancingDolphinPotter

 Mother of Pearl shawl pin by BeadworksbyKerri

Bluebird mini watercolor by KneeDeepOriginals

Found Feather by emmarts

Organic Owl pouch by shecological

Sorry, guys; I'm not feeling so hot today, so commentary will be brief, but I do want to say blue birds make me happy and, because our team has lots of blue and bird-related items to peruse, I have reason to be very happy. Enjoy with me! --katie :D


  1. SO sorry you're not feeling well, Katie!! Nonetheless, your birdie finds are wonderful! Thanx for sharing...

  2. beautiful blue collection and hope you feel better soon!

  3. Well bless your heart, dear Katie! Hope you'll soon be on the mend! Meanwhile, thank you so much for sharing these lovely blues and birds with all of us. xoxo

  4. Beautiful bird finds, Katie {{{hugs}}}
